handwriting?? bila tengok balik tulisan sendiri-asyik mengutuk diri sendiri je... kalau huruf BESAR boleh la tahan kemas... bila tulisan kecik2.... mula lah macam2 bentuk.. hehehehe.....
let's prepared ourselves.. internet-unifi dah mula active balik... lepas makan ubat, should be kena tidur lah kan.. sabar adnin... semua ini ada hikmahnya...
chief complaint(C/C) :SYMPTOM
running nose for 2 week(duration)
Hx of presenting illness(HOPI):
- occur at close space area or only on exertion, sudden onset,episodic, worsen during evening.
- aggravating by dust, direct fan, air-cond, cold condition, when prostration or drinking ice. relieving by blow breath, avoid cold drink, away from direct fan and air-conditioner.
- associated with nasal congestion (? sinusitis ? allergen), sometime bounding of the heart present without chest pain or any other symptom
- (based on cerita- apa yg patient complain-itu adalah SYMPTOM)
review of system (ROS):
general : ( ask about)
weight loss? appetite?thirst?lethargy/weakness?Fever? sleep? itchiness?
respiratory: (ask about)
cough?haemoptysis? sputum colour?dyspnoea? wheezing? decrease effort tolerance?
CVS : (ask about)
palpitation(if mention xperlu la nak ulang lagi)orthopnea?PND? dyspnea?exertional dyspnoea?chest pain? ankle oedema?
GIT: (ask about)
Urinary :
-DETAIL lah............ kena tny sebab afraid patient xmention atau tak ingat mereka alaminya... just bg mereka FULL image of their condition-severity dll...
kalau tiada.... just mention
On review of system.. there is no other special or significant symptom related to patient condition..
then, baru masuk
Past medical hx (PMH):
- cari penyakit yang ada kaitan dengan symptom yang patient beri...-
find idea- asthma? heart disease?
surgical Hx:
Family Hx:
mother: 66, alive and well.
father :71,Diabetes since 2011,Hypertension -relapse case on 2011 -all are control under medication prescript by doctor at hospital raja permaisuri bainun, ipoh. under follow up and treatment.
other family member are well and healthy- insya-allah.... heheehehe =)
all are not smoker or not alcohol drinker.
social & occupational Hx:
single, student, stay with few friends in double storey house at bayu perdana,klang,
not smoking, do not take any alcohol
Drug Hx;
NKDA-no known drug allergy
physical examination: SIGN
general examination:
B/P: ??
Pulse rate : 92, regular rhythm, good volume and afebrile
respiratory rate :13/ min
temperature :??
body weight : heehe... 50kg
height : 152cm
nails and hands: no abnormality
eyes: rabunlah...
mouth and tongue: jom gosok gigi.... nanti doktor gigi nk dtg sekolah.... =P
respiratory system examination
palpitation-vocal fremitus/ vocal resonant guna stethoscope '99' or "one,one,one"-ask examiner to hear it- more clearly sebenarnya guna stethoscope...
percussion-resonant?hyper-resonant-pneumothorax?dull-consolidation?stony-dull-pleural effusion?
CVs examination
abdominal examination
limb examination
Neurological examination
Provisional diagnosis:
Differential Diagnosis
Medical summary:
patient 24 y/o come to haospital due to symptom of running nose ect