Sunday, August 5, 2012

Datuk Lee Chong Wei vs LinDa-n

Wahai peminat sukan sekalian....
Malam ni harapan negara untuk emas pertama digalas oleh  Lt Commander Datuk Lee Chong Wei akan menentang musuh ketatnya dari China, Lin Dan dalam sukan Olympic London 2012... yeah-yeah..... (kenapalah nak ayat skema sangat...)

why so fanatic sangat anin?? hahha... ke mana tumpahnya kuah kalau tak ke nasi kan?? dah lama tak main badminton ni.. tak dpt main, tonton pun jadilah...time semi-final byk step yg Chong Wei main anin teringat mcmne Misbun penah ajar anin dulu time 'kem bakat badminton'... part ~unpredictable action~
Ya Allah.... gile lama dah anin tak main badminton.. sure dah berkarat skill.. tambah badan pun dah bertambah berat- pergerakan pun tak selincah dulu kot... haih! (-_-)!  lepas raya nnt boleh la practise balik dgn bapak....  he is my personal coach.. =)

 so, berdebar... hope jgnlah chong wei bagi mata mudah kat Lin Dan ni.. 

what's up!!

Dengar khabar Lee Chong Wei akan dihadiahkan RM4 juta jika memenangi perlawanan malam ini. 
RM2 juta tunai dan RM2 juta dalam bentuk emas. -mewah2x..

let's google-news update :-:

Bernama melaporkan jika Malaysia berjaya menang pingat emas Olympics London 2012, Baskin Robbins akan memberi aiskrim percuma kepada rakyat Malaysia melalui outletnya di seluruh negara (kecuali Hospital Pantai dan Genting Theme Park).

Bila aiskrim percuma akan diberi oleh Baskin Robbins bagi meraikan kemenangan untuk mendapat medal emas Olympics Games London 2012? Ianya pada 8 Ogos 2012 (Rabu) bermula pukul 8 malam hingga 10 malam.

Agak-agak aiskrim kon akan diberi. Mesti ramai yang beratur ni. So rasanya tak beratur kot. Hehehhe.....

Kita tunggu le keputusan perlawanan akhir Lee Chong Wei vs Lin Dan dalam Olympics Games London 2012. Ianya akan berlangsung pada pukul 6 petang, 5 Ogos 2012 (Ahad), waktu Malaysia.

Datuk Lee Chong Wei and Lin Dan picture

let's make it again...

Live Streaming Lee Chong Wei vs Lin Dan Olympic Final 2012
Date : 5 August 2012
Time : Around 8pm
Available Channel : Youtube Official Olympic channel, TV1 (TV1 claimed that they do not have the right to provide live streaming online, so turn on your Television) and Astro Olympic HD Channel 841.
 Ianya akan berlangsung pada pukul 1 petang waktu UK or 8 malam waktu Malaysia. Perbezaan waktu di antara Malaysia dan UK adalah 7 jam, i.e. Malaysia cepat 7 jam.


baru sekarang anin rasa nak update what happen on that night..
kecewa sangat dengan apa yang dah terjadi.. 

dalam twitter @Lee_C_Wei on 5aug 2012
I'm sorry -he state 

#IBelieveInLeeChongWei #PrayForChongWei #GoldforMalaysia 

@Yahoo_MY thank you everyone I'm sorry I could not get gold

I would like to tell Chong Wei that, you do not have to say sorry, as you have tried and done your best. Thank you for giving the world the stirring 79 minutes. You have not only won yourself respect, but also won the country and the people a great honour
The world badminton history and Malaysians will always remember the excitement and touching moments that you brought!- anin almost nk cry that night.. hohohooo.. trust me,but, "berat mata memandang, berat lagi bahu yang memikul"

everyone were really disappointed on what happen- but, not our luck..

the autobiography of our champion #DareToBeAChampion available in UK now!-Datuk Lee ChongWei.

on that night everyone tweeting about #ThankYouLeeChongWei

ESPN commentator : "LCW is such a great guy, but Lin Dan is a  bit arrogant skill win you medals, but attitude wins hearts." #QFT #DLCW

Translated by SOONG PHUI JEE
Sin Chew Daily

On the award podium, when Li Dan turned and waved to the audience, our Datuk held his head so low and wiped his tears. I believe that many Malaysians had cried together with him at that moment.

Chong Wei, it was indeed too heavy for you to carry the hopes and expectations of all people across the country. However, you did not let us down. You insisted without complaint even though you were still suffering from your knee injury. In the finals, which was described as a century duel, you brought Malaysia to the eyes of the world while showing our children the true meaning of never give up, fight till the end, and feeling proud even in defeat. You also showed us a dream and justice, as well as the spirit of Olympics!

source :

atas semangat yang ditunjukkan oleh Datuk Lee Chong Wei..
we support you not because of the free ice cream/nasi kandar/furniture..

PETALING JAYA: It was not just a free meal enjoyed by the thousands who flocked to Original Penang Kayu Nasi Kandar but a way to celebrate national shuttler Datuk Lee Chong Wei's brilliant performance at the London 2012 Olympics.
The delicious dinner set, promised by owner Burhan Mohamed, was a smash hit with people queuing up around the block for the steaming nasi briyani, ayam rendang, egg and an orange cordial drink.
Burhan said he had prepared dinner for 5,000 people.
“I think Chong Wei really did his best and he is still our hero,” he said, adding that all his outlets were packed as customers watched the match on Sunday night.

Worth the wait: People waiting patiently to have dinner at the Original Penang Kayu Nasi Kandar outlet in SS2, Petaling Jaya.
iftar ramadhan- dpat pahala sekali tu.. 
barisan diberi keutamaan kepada umat islam yang berpuasa..=)

KUALA LUMPUR: Datuk Lee Chong Wei may have lost the Olympic men’s badminton final, but the Malaysian public’s dream of scoring free ice-cream is still alive.
Baskin Robbins has clarified that its “free ice-cream for all Malaysians” pledge was not only limited to whether Chong Wei grabs the gold medal in badminton.

A  Baskin Robbins’ spokesman said people had assumed that the freebie was being offered only if the national shuttler bagged the gold medal.

“The message sent out was that, if any Malaysian athlete were to return from the Olympics with a gold medal, then we (Baskin Robbins) will be giving out Baskin Robbins ice-cream to Malaysians nationwide,” said a company representative.

“The ice-cream will be distributed on August 8. Lee Chong Wei may not have brought back Malaysia’s first-ever Olympics gold medal but we still have high hopes for the remaining Malaysian athletes and this is just one way of showing our support,” she said.

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