Friday, September 9, 2011

"si botak"

isnin,9 september 2011 dia potong rambut.. huhuhu..
#throwback #2yearsago #thingshappenforasreason #memories

i don't like orang botak.. tambah2 kalo orang yg anin suka tu botak..
kalau bernazar tu lain citerlah.. pegi bt umrah atau haji ke.. lainlah.. ni saje -takde niat..

 hampir2 no. 3 kot....huhuhu... pandai2 je anin ni..
masa dlm kelas...  dtg... duk belakang kitaorg...
 bila zaty adtg anin bangun ke depan... anin nk duduk depan sbnrnya.. saje sibuk nk duduk sblh anis... hehehe.. as usual Looking around where is he?? ish3.... (why i become curious?? ) Anis Husna give signal to me........ "look back" =D nantilah anis..... lepas kelas nnt org tengok belakang..
Lepas je abis kelas... Pura2 sembang dgn anis husna... Nmpk lah org botak tu... Ahhaha...
I don't like!!!

hurmrmmmm............ jgn jelouse anin...sabar2..
dia ngan anin bkn ada apa2 pun... then, be calm & patient.. maybe he got someting to do... BUT.. with whom?? kihkihkih... ketawa di luar... dlm hati siapa tahu kan.... curiosity nk tahu sangat..
~ hehehehe

 so, anin need to be deTective... hehhehehe

DETective ADNiN..

tapi, skrg bkn mcm detective.. dh mcm stalker pun ada... adoi.. what happen lo?? one thing i learn about myself is that... if i like someone.. i really would like to know what his favourite.. and what he doesn't like... yelah... stop acting like "perigi cari timba..."
sometimes, in this situation i don't know how to describe.. everything in my eyes is pleasant for me.. apa2 yang ku buat.. apa yg ku lakukan.. ku lakukan sebab mereka.. apa yg terjadi pada diriku.. (ternyanyi plk ~hehehehe) 

 but, i really excited to know.. how?? how can i eliminate or throw this feeling?? oh-oh-oh mine...  need to reduce more... 
aritu dah down sikit.. skrg makin suka lak..eeeeEEE...

p/s: this the memories that i won't forget... things happen so fast.. sampai anin tak sempat nak tarik nafas panjang... kejadian yang anin xpernah terfikir akan terjadi dalam hidup.. bila mana anin masih menyimpan rahsia orang lain terhadap dia.. when we have the same feeling to the same person- tetttt... tettt...... bila orang tu reveal tentang perkara itu- only then, i should back out.. give chance to her to proceed... lagipun, dia lebih rapat dengan orang tu berbanding "anin".. hehehhee... 
~that is why anin tak suka nak bercakap dengan orang tu.. takut jika ada yg salah faham... takut rasanya ada yg terasa hati.. them are match together.. (in my own though lah...)